"Yes, there are challenges and the real estate business will be choppy because as mentioned we've found we are not immune from national and global economic events as previously thought. Aspen offers a small town community with world class amenities within a highly restrictive zoning environment that for the past 40 years has has successfully protected its unique beauty and historic charm. There is every reason to believe that in an over-crowded and homongenous world Aspen's unique attributes will be in ever-increasing demand in the future."
Mason Morse Announces $15+ million Sale in Aspen, Colorado
Mason Morse Announces $15+ million Sale in Aspen, Colorado
What's my property worth?
Is your broker giving you actual data to support the price she thinks you need to be at or is she just pulling it out of thin air? An appraiser could come up with a value for your property based on the available data. At a minimum, your real estate advisor (aka broker) should be presenting you with a systematic approach to your pricing question. .
Aspen's West End Public Open House Tour
Why do a pre-inspection?
There are arguments for and against doing an inspection prior to selling, but I have yet to hear one convincing reason for not doing one in advance of a sale. One of the two main reasons properties fall out of contract is because of an inspection issue. The other being survey issues. So, why wouldnt you want to know before you are tied into [...]
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